Friday 25 April 2008

Baby alert!

I have lots of baby shoots coming up on the blog, hence the title to this post! First of all, here is baby Bethan, who belongs to Esther and Darren who are friends of my friend Rhiannon. We visited their new house the other day and I took my camera along. Bethan is 3 months old (or thereabouts) and has a busy life. She enjoys swimming, hanging out in her baby carrier on walks in the woods, eating, sleeping, looking at herself in the mirror - the usual kinds of things. Oh, and she is also SUPER CUTE!

Look how amused she is with her reflection! This is Bethan with her mum Esther:

This was funny, Bethan has a toy (easter) chicken that actually looks like a duck. Here she is considering whether or not it is chicken.... or duck... She made about 10 different confused/considered expressions just staring at it. Look at the little hands!

Little feet:

And finally, out for a nice walk with her sunhat on.

Lots more blog posts coming up before we leave including: more baby shoots, a fashion shoot, some family shoots, a wedding, the plans for our house in New Zealand, and a few other little things. x

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