Wednesday 30 April 2008

Annabel and Isabella

These two are cousins, Annabel is 18 months and Isabella is 2 months old. Isabella has the cutest little active fists - she has older brothers so good job really- and loved being photographed (well, I presume anyway). Annabel was a little shy at first, but soon got into the photos with peekaboo games, which is a good job because look how lush they both are!

You can't get much cuter than a baby in a basket:

Right, I'm ready for my brothers now, where are they?

So cute!

All babies love the feathers! (before they try and eat them that is..)

Phew, all this modelling is hard work.

Annabel with her family blanket:

A bit of a cute overload on the blog recently, which is good - imagine how boring it would be if I was a heavy machinery photographer...

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