Thursday 5 March 2009

A few changes...

You may have noticed my website not behaving itself recently - pages not loading, pixelation... apologies for this. I am in the process of sorting it out, and part of that is relocating my whole site to a different server. I'm also installing some brand new proofing (online gallery) software, and getting a sparkly new blog too! So over the next few days lots of things will be changing, and my site may not be available here and there. Hopefully it won't take too long. For those people who are waiting for online galleries I should have you all sorted in a few days time.

I was going to finish off this post with a photograph of the new barn conversion from the outside, but its raining... and I might get wet.. Plus the interior isn't too glamourous yet since we still have to paint it and carpet it. Next time! The main thing is I am typing at a real desk, with all my things! And a solid floor, and walls that don't rustle in the wind. Woohoo!

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