Thursday 27 December 2007

Christmas at the McGiverns

Me and Steven spent Christmas at my parents with my brother Aidan. There's normally more of us, but my brother is travelling at the moment and my sister is volunteering in an orphanage in Thailand.

Its traditional for my family to have a huge fried breakfast on Christmas morning. Here I am cooking the eggs:

Aidan and my mum opening presents:

I got an Ipod - woooohoooooooo!!!

Here is what we listened to - Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins:

And here is what we ate(!) - the McGiverns like their food :) I could almost be that strange guy who eats Christmas dinner everyday. I reckon I could do that for about a month.

Max getting a tummy-rub:

Steven got remote-controlled jousting knights. Here he is putting the batteries in. Its a serious business...

The knights in action:

Aidan after too much food (and wine by the looks of it..)

We went for a walk on boxing day:

Here's where I get my good looks from :)

Max running like the wind:

We won't be here for Christmas next year. We'll be in New Zealand! Hope everyone had a great holiday xx

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