Sunday 4 November 2007

Halloween and bonfire night!

Yes! I love this time of year. Here are my favourite images from the last few days. We went to see the fireworks in Coopers field and they were great. The only thing was, the health and safety fence was about 300 metres from the bonfire. Oh well. Here are some fireworks:

After the fireworks Ann had to have a photo with her bike.

And then of course everyone else had to have one too. I'm not sure how happy Rich will be with me putting a photo of him with a girls hat on my blog.. but this looks like a cool bmx gang/band photo so who cares?

Emma is a tree expert. Here she is taking a photo of one on her phone:

Here is my first ever carved pumpkin - doesn't it look sinister!

Mel on Halloween, looking great with her new eyebrows. I think they suit her:

Fun with sparklers:

Yey! Right, I am going on holiday tomorrow and I'm not back until next Sunday. 90% of me is sooooo excited!!!!! I'm off for a week - no work! And its going to be so much fun!
The other 10% of me is quietly calculating 7 days without my laptop.

I'm sure I will have some lovely photos on my return. xx

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