Saturday, 10 January 2009

A new me.

You might notice I've just changed the image of myself to the left hand side of my blog, and also on my website. I was getting fed up of the other one - I can't remember the exact day it was taken but I looked slightly hungover, pale, and clad in too much wool. This one I took today in our new barn, infront of the hay bales we cut the other week. I used the self timer on my camera because I am the worst at trying to be patient whilst a family member attempts to take my portrait. My husband will attest to this. What normally happens is, after the 30th attempt I start to look a bit grimacy, tell the photo taker to JUST TRY and focus on my eyes, after which they get fed up, tell me to take my own **** photo and walk off. Yey for the self timer!


Braunton said...

You look beautiful here Shun!

Sinead Jenkins said...

Awww, thanks!! I was going to comment on a photo on your blog where you look like a film star! - the one with you and Sweetie. But instead I made a crass joke I think and left :(

Unknown said...

Nice necklace. I think you look beautiful too. But then, I always do.

Braunton said...

I'm not the other Victoria here... who is she? Should I change my name to avoid confusion?

Unknown said...

She is me, you fool. Ferguson.

Braunton said...

Ha! I've changed my name in case you try to leave some rude messages and pass them off as me! I know you Fergo.... only too well...