Saturday, 17 January 2009

Baling hay...

Here's a few little shots from our hay baling last month. I am such a city girl, I had no idea how hay is made! For city types like me (or rather those city types who are as ignorant as me) you just let the grass grow until it seeds, then cut it, dry it, and bale it. Which is easy as long as you have a very helpful neighbour with a tractor and a hay baler...

The dogs had a great time running around after us. One person drives the car and all the other helpers throw the hay bales onto the trailer, then you offload them into your barn - oh yes, you need a barn to put them all in :) Its hard work, but so satisfying.

The only trouble is, hay gets everywhere. Like when you holiday on the beach and you keep finding sand for weeks afterwards. I pulled my purse out in the bank the other day and a bit of hay fell out! But I probably shouldn't worry because I expect here in New Zealand that's considered perfectly normal.

*NOTE* -For those who come to my blog to see portrait and wedding images, I have lots of shoots coming up in the next few weeks so stay tuned!

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