Wednesday, 19 November 2008

But which is cuter?

Bruce next door has some tiny new ducklings that are being looked after by one of his hens (hens make better mothers than ducks). If you go near them in their hutch they make little squeaking noises. So cute! Of course the other image is baby Matthew having a cuddle with his mum. A little napping baby.


Mama Nature said...

I can't decide, they are all gorgeous! Bet the ducklings don't smell as good as the sweet human baby though!:o)

Braunton said...

But you can eat the ducklings!

Sinead Jenkins said...

All good points I think. Maybe I should set up a miniature boxing ring, then have the human baby in one corner and the 5 ducklings in the other. See who wins.

Anonymous said...

the baby is cuter though I am slightly bias...BUT... you can stuff chicks in a box to shut them up when they wake you at 3 in the morning hmmmm. To can eat babies you just go yum yum yum and kiss their little faces at the same time, I should get Sinead to film me so you can understand...swallowing is harder though ho ho ho