My laptop is in the laptop hospital in Dunedin getting fixed. It'll be fine, but in the meantime I am wandering about shaking slightly without the constant access to it I normally have. Oh well, it is a good lesson for me to not take it for granted (*shake... shake...*). Luckily we are currently in Queenstown at our good friends Conrad and Sue's place. Nobody could possibly come here for a weekend and not feel relaxed - Conrad and Sue have 3 very cute boys, a couple of acres of land and stunning views of the Remarkable mountain range and Coronet Peak (where you go skiing around here). They also have a big deck with a bbq, lots of chickens, a couple of sheep and a lovely little house.

Anyway, I get to use Sue's computer to do photos and blog - woohoo! So here are a few recent shots.
The Morganty boys: Simon, Guy and Matthew,

Guy doing cool tricks on the trampoline. He instructed me to photograph him so he looks like he's flying in the air(!)
Us at a classic american car show last weekend. I loved it! Steven took a shot of me with my favourite car, and the reason my smile is slightly strained is because it takes him so long to take a shot! (awwww).
As soon as my laptop is home this week I will blog my super wedding special offer. In the meantime we have lots to do on the land. On Saturday the digger man is coming to lay our driveway and prepare the foundations for our barn (woohoo!) and we need to order lots of trees and plants. Also, we want to cut a trail through the bush to our river. There is a huge huge rock down there with trees growing out of the top of it and it would be great to access it easily.
Loved the photos of Guy especially. Bet he's chuffed to bits. And that blue sky!!
M x
Enjoying following your wonderful adventure, love your land and super views and look forward to seeing your plans come to fruition.
With love,
Greta also Barrie, Millie, cindy and Patrik.
I'm so excited for you, (and secretly I shall start squirriling money away to come and squat at your new home!!)
I'm so glad you are having fun and enjoying yourselves!
Thanks for all the lovely comments guys, much appreciated :)
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