Okay, so most people will know that Steven and I are moving to New Zealand this year. The original plan was to spend our time getting over there and try and do most of it by train, then a bit by bus and a bit by plane.
Last year, we decided to leave in March 2008, which is why I wasn't booking any weddings after Feb. This year, we decided to leave in April, and now due to Steven's contract we are leaving in May! Ugh, so complicated.
Anyway, I'm slightly gutted that I turned down some amazing March/April weddings and now it turns out I could have photographed them after all. I'm sorry to the people I turned away, at the time I honestly thought we wouldn't be here. But, if you are getting married next month, or the month after, and for some reason you STILL haven't booked a photographer, you can have me! Here is a picture of me in action to get you in the mood for booking:

Don't worry, most of the time I'm photographing other people at weddings rather than myself. I will also be available for portraits and anything else photography related for the next 2 months. Visit my new website to check out some images and packages:
www.sineadjenkins.comOkay, so thats the first bit of news. The next bit of news is really exciting! Natasha and James, whose engagement photographs I shot
last year, are um, flying me back to the UK to shoot their wedding in mid September. How exciting is that! I feel really flattered! Also, since I decided to return I will also be shooting Amy and Lee's wedding at the end of August, and Deborah and Ash's wedding at the beginning of Sept.
Each wedding is going to be really spectacular, with one set in a huge castle in a northern forest with a hog roast and a handmade dress, one in the English countryside in a huge rustic fairytale barn/castle, and one is in a little village with a gorgeous stone church and a glamourous marquee with a horse and cart! As well as that, I will be able to attend my good friend Vicky's wedding as a GUEST, where I can drink cocktails and wear a nice dress in a beautiful country house and gardens. Phew!
Ok, so if you've even read this far down, there are 3 main points here:
1) I have lots of exciting things coming up this year so will be blogging all my adventures
Contact me about exact dates since I already have some bookings. From May - August I will be away visiting lots of exotic places, so stay tuned as I will post as much as I can on my blog. Also, coming soon will be the designs for our house in NZ and some photos of our land out there.
Coming next: photographs from Lisa and Richard's wedding last week.
Thanks for reading. x