I really don't think I saw lisa stop smiling at any point all day.

The dashing groom:

Lisa and her dad. How proud is he?

I love this one!!

Yes, being sunny makes things a bit more complicated to shoot, but I just love what you can achieve!

Now this was really the highlight of the day.. (I thought)... a CHEESE wedding cake. Made entirely of cheese!!!! I would love to be left in a room with this thing. Just me, the cheese cake and a few crackers... mmmmm.... we had this after dessert - what a good idea!

Funny speeches...

I did some highlight editing on this one as you can see. I love it, but I've kept the original too so that Lisa and Richard can choose which one they like best. Either way... what a great moment! This will have to be the last image in their album:

I just got an email from Richard and Lisa which I just have to show you. These kind of emails make my day!
Morning Sinead,
WOW !!!!- we looked at our slide show at 11.30 last night - we wanted to email you straight away - but we were both lost for words, and went to bed with tears in our eyes.
Sinead, we thought our wedding couldn't get any better - then we saw your photos. We were both gob smacked!!!! We knew you were good, but this is unbelieveably good!!!
My first thought when I woke up this morning was the photos. It took me 10 minutes before I remembered it was Richard's birthday. Your photos are an amazing birthday present for him, and put my 'jumper' and 'make your own kaleidoscope' to shame, Ha Ha.
We've also looked at most of the gallery and your blog.
We can't thank you enough for what you have produced for us - you are amazing.
We would like to send you and Emma a thank you card. Please could we have your address.
Thanks again - can't wait for our family and friends to view your wonderful work.
Lisa and Richard XXXX
I loved your photos of Lisa and Richard's wedding. I'm not surprised they were delighted with them. You covey a real sense of the happy day, apart from the few visible tears!
M xx
Sorry,I should have done a spell check on my first comment. I do know how to spell convey! Also wanted to say how professional your new Blog is. I love the images you've chosen to show how versatile you are.
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