And for scale, here is a little miniature me sitting in the middle of it...

No, thats a joke actually! Although it is BIG. Are you allowed to show off about how big your barn is and not come across as a very annoying person? I mean in the same way that its not cool to say to people "I have a very large house"? Lets presume its okay, in which case, we will soon have a HUGE barn. Woohoo! It'll be bigger than the house, and we also can store lots of useless junk in there.

What's Steven doing here? Well, he is preparing a... box thing.. to hook up our electricity!! Isn't that great news?!!! Tonight we will plug in for the first time!! Its SO exciting! Today I bought a hairdryer to celebrate, and tomorrow, I'm going to blowdry my hair! With the new hairdryer!! We're even thinking about buying a kettle! And a fridge! You can tell how excited I am.
It is good though, becuase soon we will be in the barn, and I will be able to work from home. Things are happening a lot slower than I thought, but what it does mean is that when we are all set up (soon!) then we will be extra grateful.
The barn building should be happening this weekend, and then next weekend we can get the steel cladding on. I will photograph the process as much as I can. Thats if it doesn't rain.
Chicken news:
Yesterday Hussein stole a large chunk of cheese from inside the tent. He ate some and then gave it to Mavis. How can I punish this behaviour? I can't even catch a chicken let alone explain the basics of theft to it. Anyway, Hussein is such a gent I can't bring myself to tell him off. When we get the barn up we are going to try and hatch some eggs. Either by letting Mavis sit on them or by buying an incubator. I can't wait to have little fluffy yellow chicks!
Hey Sinead!!!
Are you going to eat those chickens? :-(
They look toooo cute!
Hey, we're looking after Max over New Year - I'll take some photos of him.
Hope you are both well. LOVE the pictures.
Thanks Mel! I'm sure Max will be a model guest. Awww.
Yeah, we are supposed to be becoming hardened farmers but about 3 days after we got these chickens Steven said "oh but we won't eat THESE ones!" so we'll see! They make nice eggs anyway.
Definitely send me the Max photos. xxxx
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