I'm looking forward to posting lots more tomorrow. I've had to sort out two software issues in the space of about 12 hours... without Steven's help! Normally if I have a boring software or computer problem I do a kind of girly swoon and get Steven to sort it out for me and then brief me with his results while I relax with a bit of cake. But Steven is in India! Lazing on a beach reading books and eating steak! So I was up till 2 am last night reading nerd blogs on the internet and doing various tests. Anyway, all is well now, but I am slightly behind my strict schedule so will carry on with that tomorrow.
Plus tonight I am making a blue cheese, red onion and walnut tart for my family, and I have yet to purchase any blue cheese, red onions or walnuts. And Max keeps pushing his filthy plastic cat toy in my lap and smearing me in dog drool... the life of a glamourous photographer ey?!
And that tart was absolutely delicious!
M x
Thanks mum!!
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