Sinead in Red Square, pulling my "Moscow resident disgusted by tourist's question" face:
Why anyone would want to buy a Jeremy Clarkson book in English is a mystery to me, but here are a whole load of his latest works available for Moscovites?!
The GUM department store in Moscow at night:
Sinead with her lovely camera :) in Red Square at night:
A typical Moscow tube station, ever so slightly different from the London ones, only I can't quite put my finger on why....
Sinead being a tourist outside one of Moscow's very soviet style Seven Sisters that Stalin commissioned all around the outskirts of the city:
And this is a little video that I took in GUM department store (that fronts onto Red Square), and the first time I have tried to upload videos on my blog. Lets see if it works!
By the way, thank you everyone for your kind emails of commiseration about my robbery incident, they were much appreciated. Leave a comment below if the video works for you, I'm trying to lull my techno-phobic friends and family into leaving comments on the blog. Thanks!!
You're back from Outer Mongolia! Seems ages. What do you mean your techno-phobic family? It's more time-restricted mother!
P.S. The video didn't work for me. Sorry!
M x
Thanks mum!! Of course I didn't mean you, I should have mentioned that when I said techno-phobic...! Maybe the video didn't work because you are trying to access it illegally at work? Just a suggestion xxxx
Hey lady
The video worked for me. Woo. Keep em coming if you can - it's great to hear as well as see you!
Love you xxx
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