I processed some of my black and whites in a new vintagey way for this session. You can't really tell so much on the little blog images but they look great when they're huge!

I wanted this one to look a little bit fairy tale.

I've been wanting to photograph someone infront of this wall for AGES! I love it.

Of course we had to get Max in on the action at some point.

All the lovely daffodils.

Aw, how cute!

Ok, here's the background to the next 2 photos: Aidan has wanted to be a weatherman for as long as I can remember (since he was a little boy, after growing out of the batman phase). He is currently working with the RAF as part of his meteorology training, and will soon be a fully fledged, qualified weatherman. He LOVES clouds. So we had to chase some good ones across parts of Cardiff and found a spot where the light was good, only in the middle of some dingy buildings. I framed the shots to keep the buildings out, but I also want to say - these haven't been photoshopped, I just underexposed for the sky element of the photo and used my flash for A & K. Its the same thing a point and shoot camera attempts (sort of!) when you use the 'sunset' mode.

Here is Aidan with his favourite type of cloud(!) - we also did a serious version of this because Aidan didn't want to look like a cloud tourist.

And one of Katie (sans cloud) that shows off her amazing blue eyes:

Not sure if thats 10 or not, but I hope you like them guys! See you soon xx
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