Wednesday, 31 December 2008

McCallum family portraits

On Christmas eve I had the pleasure of photographing the McCallum family in St Clair. They have 3 super cute dogs and this baby so I was in photography heaven! Look at those eyelashes!

He has the most expressive laugh!


We had a stroll on the beach, and captured baby Ollie (who lives in the Uk with his parents) enjoying some time with his grandparents, who adore him.

I'm such an old romantic...

Two sisters:

Thanks McCallum family for being so friendly and hospitable. If anyone else fancies a portrait shoot in the Otago region just email me at You can choose from a print collection or a coffeetable album.

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas everyone! I'm used to cold wintery Christmasses by the fire, so it still seems a little odd to have Christmas in the heat, but I'm not complaining - the sun is out! Here's a couple of shots I took over the last week. I'm going to save the barn building photographs for another blog post.

Hopefully next Christmas we will have a lovely new house to celebrate in. x

Thursday, 11 December 2008

The Barn, and a Cheese Thief

Here are the barn posts, all ready to be made into a barn - how exciting!!

And for scale, here is a little miniature me sitting in the middle of it...

No, thats a joke actually! Although it is BIG. Are you allowed to show off about how big your barn is and not come across as a very annoying person? I mean in the same way that its not cool to say to people "I have a very large house"? Lets presume its okay, in which case, we will soon have a HUGE barn. Woohoo! It'll be bigger than the house, and we also can store lots of useless junk in there.

What's Steven doing here? Well, he is preparing a... box thing.. to hook up our electricity!! Isn't that great news?!!! Tonight we will plug in for the first time!! Its SO exciting! Today I bought a hairdryer to celebrate, and tomorrow, I'm going to blowdry my hair! With the new hairdryer!! We're even thinking about buying a kettle! And a fridge! You can tell how excited I am.

It is good though, becuase soon we will be in the barn, and I will be able to work from home. Things are happening a lot slower than I thought, but what it does mean is that when we are all set up (soon!) then we will be extra grateful.

The barn building should be happening this weekend, and then next weekend we can get the steel cladding on. I will photograph the process as much as I can. Thats if it doesn't rain.

Chicken news:

Yesterday Hussein stole a large chunk of cheese from inside the tent. He ate some and then gave it to Mavis. How can I punish this behaviour? I can't even catch a chicken let alone explain the basics of theft to it. Anyway, Hussein is such a gent I can't bring myself to tell him off. When we get the barn up we are going to try and hatch some eggs. Either by letting Mavis sit on them or by buying an incubator. I can't wait to have little fluffy yellow chicks!

Monday, 8 December 2008


I saw a cute doggo today that looked a bit like Max.

*Note to my family - I miss you too. You just don't look as cute on my blog.*

Sunday, 7 December 2008

"Like being on holiday all the time!"

We're having so much fun on the land, and this week the barn is starting to go up - how exciting! I've got my vegetable garden started, we get 2 eggs from the chickens every day, and on a clear day you can gaze out to see and see the waves twinkling. It's great!

One thing has surprised me though. And that is how many people say to us "oh, you're living in a tent - it must be like being on holiday ALL the time!". At least 5 or 6 people have said that exact thing to me! Someone else told me it must be like a "CONSTANT holiday!" They are jealous of my holiday lifestlye. I used to find this slightly strange -I'm definitely having fun, but I'm not sure why life is more fun if you live in a tent. That leaks.

But then again maybe I'm wrong..... Maybe I am living a life straight out of a glamourous holiday magazine and I don't even know it! Lets see.... we can take today as an example: I got up in the tent, fed the chickens, filled the bucket for my shower, mopped up some mud, washed the dishes in the rain, made some phonecalls, dumped a couple of wheelbarrow-loads of clay onto the barn foundations, ate a tin of spaghetti out of the saucepan (saving on more washing up in the rain), drove into town, sat down to do some photography related work, and studied some tax issues. Later on I will take part in some more popular holiday activities like wheelbarrowing a couple of loads of cow poo over to my vegetable garden. In the rain. And buying kitchen roll, dental floss and bin bags.

Hmm, actually the more I think about it, the more guilty I feel at living this luxurious holiday lifestyle when some people have to put up with the tedium of solid housing and electric lights. In a couple of weeks we will be finished living in the tent. It will all be over. But now I'm feeling bad that here we are being on holiday "ALL the time" and we haven't even appreciated it.

Next time someone tells me how jealous they are of my constant holidaying I am going to tell them about a golden, dream-like place in the south of the United States... where people live in trailers... not just for 2 weeks a year, but ALL the time! Like a constant holiday!


PS - I am going to take a photo tonight of the beginnings of our barn. Which, be warned - is massive! Our own little blot on the landscape.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Sitting in the clouds

It turns out the land we are building on is in a cloud forest. How cool is that? In the evening after a rainy day the clouds settle and disperse over the hills and it looks amazing. At the moment it is quite mild so you can just stand outside and breathe in the atmosphere. This is Steven enjoying the view:

(those are our barn poles waiting to go up in the foreground). And this is my lovely husband:

We've started a new fence that stretches across the top part of the land. The idea is that it marks a boundary between our house area and then other/farm area below. You can just see the fence posts in the image below. Rhys from next door put them in using his tractor, with Steven's help. Infact you can assume from now on that any tricky farm type work that takes place on the land has been done by Rhys. Even if you thought that it was me who put all those fence posts in...

Okay this is slightly freaky. I'm new to owning chickens, and our chickens seem perfectly normal and healthy in most respects, but surely all chickens are not this needy. This is what happens with ours - I feed them (in their coop) in the morning, then they peck about a bit, I go inside the tent... and they stand outside. For as long as I'm in there. And they don't just stand around - they STARE at me. All day. Is this normal? Sometimes I look around and they pretend to be cleaning themselves. Otherwise they just stand there.. and stare in:

Shooing them away or throwing things at them doesn't work because they just pop right back - they don't seem to learn like dogs or cats. Oh and the other day it was pouring with rain, and rather than go and hang out in their coop, they stood outside staring at me IN THE RAIN! They were soaked through. I felt guilty which was silly because they are there of their own free will!

Very odd. When I'm gone they behave like normal chickens and peck about at things. And I probably need to point out that I'm gone most of the day doing things.

Last weekend we hired a rotary hoe to dig our vegetable garden. I assumed as a machine I would simply stand back and let it do all the work. Its the 21st century after all! Unfortunately that wasn't the case and you need arms of steel to operate the hoe for more than about 10 minutes. Which was as long as I lasted. Luckily Steven came to my rescue (after a morning of pouring concrete into the barn pole holes), and he spent the next 3 hours rotary hoeing our veg patch. I was on hand with my camera to record things. Oh, thats Steven in the far distance doing all the work. And on my head there you can see my makeshift cap. It was soooo sunny on Saturday.

This morning I made up for my lack of work on Saturday - I had to empty the barn pole holes (that the giant corkscrew made) of all the rain that had filled them up over the last few days before the council inspector arrived. Steven has a new job in town. I tied some rope to a bucket and hauled out the water and did that for about 3 hours. There are 17 barn holes and each hole contained about 10 bucket loads. Ow! luckily we passed the inspection, possibly because I looked so bedraggled by the time the inspector arrived.

I'll leave you with a photograph of Steven looking out over the sea at the peninsula on Sunday. Its either pouring with rain, stormy or very very sunny here!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

But which is cuter?

Bruce next door has some tiny new ducklings that are being looked after by one of his hens (hens make better mothers than ducks). If you go near them in their hutch they make little squeaking noises. So cute! Of course the other image is baby Matthew having a cuddle with his mum. A little napping baby.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Website issues

I've noticed a few little issues on my website when viewing it using Internet Explorer, which may be down to the fact that Internet Explorer is RUBBISH! (shock horror!). So I'm not sure how I'm going to fix it so that it shows fine on Explorer without changing my site too much. I will have to work on it. In the meantime, if you're still stuck using Internet Explorer why not try Mozilla Firefox, which is soooo much better. And free... **EDITED TO ADD - all fixed now thankfully!**

Thursday, 13 November 2008

House News...

Well its been an eventful old week here on the land. You'll have to imagine I'm typing outside the tent though because I'm actually in an internet cafe in Dunedin surrounded by fellow nerds on a really beautiful sunny day.

Last week our friends Conrad and Sue gave us our first farm animals - a rooster and 2 hens. This was especially generous of them since these are prime chickens apparently, from good stock. Which panicked us slightly when we left them in their temporary cage for a few hours and got home to find they had all escaped. All three. It was late and there was a storm brewing. So we spent the evening chasing chickens from our land to Bruce the neighbour's land, and back to ours, and back to his. It may have appeared funny to the casual observer but we weren't impressed. One hen got herself into a large thorny bush and stayed there. The other we caught, and the rooster obviously thought it was hilarious and just kept running. We got them all back in the end, thankfully, and now they go to bed quite happily in a lovely chicken coop that we built all by ourselves. During the day all three chickens follow Steven about pecking happily. Whenever he turns around they all look up expentantly.

Oh, and we named them. The rooster is called Hussein, after Hussein Bolt the star athlete. The ladies are Mavis and Donna. Mavis seems to be in charge, which is funny because she is the most stupid. Often the way though with leaders ey? I'm trying to get them to have baby chickens, so we need to get Hussein in the mood. I played him some Barry White on the ipod and he seemed to like that, so we'll see how it goes.

Our barn has been delivered! And this week Wayne the digger man showed up to dig the platform for the barn and push a gigantic cork screw into the platform to make big holes for the barn posts (you'll notice I'm learning the technical jargon as I go along here). The cork screw thing was great so I took a video of it which I will post on here. We've also had gravel delivered for the foundations. It won't be long before we have a barn to stay in! With 4 solid walls that don't threaten to collapse in the wind! And electricity!!!! Phew, its all a bit much. Steven 'phoned the man at Delta electricity to find out why it's taking so long. They're a relaxed bunch at Delta. "As long as you have it before Christmas ey?" said the cheery (and very relaxed) man on the phone. CHRISTMAS??!!! I tell you what, if we don't have electricity pretty soon I am putting Steven, Hussein, Mavis, Donna and probably Tasty and Tasty Junior the goats in the car and heading over to the Delta man's house to enjoy his electricity for a bit.

I jest though, its a pain sometimes not having power but also kind of cool. (We will have alternative power up at some point in the future but we decided we needed to hook up to the grid for the meantime.) We have the gas lamp on in the evenings and it feels great to be on the land - our own land! I like to imagine myself as a hardened early New Zealand pioneer, eeking out my existence on the unforgiving land....only with nicer clothes... and decent moisturiser... and access to a supermarket - but you get the idea.

Weather-wise its been pretty turbulant. Going from hot and sunny to... snowing.

Bruce and Rhys (I'll spell it the welsh way until I'm told otherwise!) our neighbours helping with marking out the barn poles:

Wayne moves a bit of grass for us (thats the trench for the phone):

The Morganty boys help us with the new chickens:

Making the chicken coop in a blizzard (fun). Thats our toilet and showering facilities on the right there:




The coop! They know its home now and pop up to bed when it gets dark.


Tasty and Junior sharing a moment:

We now have cows down the edge of the land to eat away the broom and gorse. Here is Steven attempting to feed a very uninterested Horny the bull (not our name for him).

So, things are moving on - I can't believe it's the middle of November already! I have a fence for my vegetable garden but no vegetable seeds, so I must go and order some...

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

More Barrett photos

What? 2 blog posts in one day? I know, but I need to make up for the terrible blog drought caused by my laptop being in for repair. She is back by the way (my laptop) with that niggling little problem fixed so all is well.

I have many many things to blog, but lets start with these photos I took a couple of weeks ago of Steven's sister's family when we almost did a proper photo session. As you can see, Liana and Nigel have managed to produce not one, but THREE very cute children. In certain lights the beautiful Alice looks spookily like Steven. I will have to dig out a photo and do a comparison here on the blog. My mother is hoping that I can produce equally cute children. Thanks mum, no pressure then. Here are the photos:

Like a little doll!! I'll probably put this on my website actually, being a sucker for anything a little kitsch!

The game we played to get Bradley and Alice's expressions in the following photo didn't quite work so well for tiny Matthew. Awww!

Alice's little hands holding her brother:

I have lots of other news, but will blog that in a couple of days time, so stay tuned....x