Aoife is Susan and Mark's daughter (Susan is my cousin). I last photographed her when she was about 8 months old (I think...!). Susan, Mark and Aoife are heading over to Ireland for Christmas and stopped in Cardiff on their way over. We hung out for the evening and I followed Aoife on her travels around my parent's house. She made friends with Max, played with some Christmas decorations, got on the exercise bike and spent some time on the phone. Huh, its a hard life being 2 years old...

Hello? Can I help you?

Sharon will recognise this!

I thought I would put these together in a little storyboard. So cute!!:

Aoife found santa so we decided to do some Christmassy shots with him:

Until she wanted to undress him. It seems nothing is sacred...

Aoife was determined for Max to obey her and come to her when she demanded. He had other ideas.

Okay, I did sit Aoife down in front of the tree with santa.. but I promise I didn't tell her to kiss him!! It seems Aoife has one eye on sweets, toys and having fun... and one cynical eye on the commercial Christmas card market - one savvy 2 year old.

She is so gorgeous I want to take her home too. I'll have to kidnap Aoife along with
Natasha and James, put them in a cupboard and then bring them out for my Christmas parties! Hm, that sounded a bit sinister - I mean it in the nicest way of course... :)