Monday, 29 October 2007

Max the dog

I took the opportunity of a walk with Max the dog today to try out my portrait & composition skills. Max is a great subject, he's good looking and patient.

Here he is relaxing in some leaves:

Always on the lookout though for stray squirrels and birds:

I think this is a bit of a Lassie shot:

A nice portrait:

Max loves to snuffle in the grass:

Chasing a bird:

What a cutey!

If you want a pet portrait session (!!!) then they cost the same as a human session - £65 and that includes 2 8x10 archival quality prints. I can't guarantee any pet will look as cute as Max does in these pics though...

Monday, 22 October 2007

Rock star Ben

I photographed Ben at home doing all the stuff he likes best. Little did I know that apart from being an award winning celebrity cricketer Ben is also a rock star. We managed to get photos of Ben in both roles, playing cricket in the park and with his guitar in the garden- and inbetween we shot a few of him relaxing with his toys.

Ben with his Dad:

So cute!

Ben and his mum:

This is Ben doing a Kaiser Chiefs number, he's quite the pro:

Typical rock star behaviour:

I love this one!

This was Ben leaping from one sofa to another one:


Your gallery will be up in a couple of days Prith, thanks for a lovely afternoon x

A walk in the forest

This weekend we went for a walk in the forest by Castle Coch with our friend Emma and Max the dog.

Here we are in the car with Emma (not) gamely joining in the silly face photo. I think I have one of these photos from every road trip I've been on:

The forest:

I wanted a photo of Max looking like a statue:

Some gruesome looking mushrooms:

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Michelle and Mike's Wedding

Michelle and Mike got married in St Augustine's chuch in Rumney which is a lovely old stone church. It threatened to rain on the day but it didn't in the end, yey! Michelle and Mike are both really fun, genuine people and they really took care of us throughout the day. Michelle's dress was fabulous but most of all I LOVED the autumn colour scheme. It looked fantastic. There were so many fun little things throughout the day to keep everyone amused, and it showed how important friends and family are to these two.

Beautiful burnt orange cala lillies:

Michelle's daughter Evie looking very cute:

I love this photo, it makes me smile:

How cool do the guys look?

Look at the lovely colours!

Hope you're had a great honeymoon guys, hello to Evie, Gail, Zoe and the gang and see you soon x

Photographer extraordinaire, Jay Bedwani shot this wedding with me. Jay is the loveliest wedding photographer you will ever meet, even lovelier than me! Jay is a professional documentary photographer who will be photographing the weddings I am unable to shoot next year because we are going to New Zealand. Here are just a few of his shots from the day:

Contact Jay at Or through my website. More from Jay soon....

Friday, 19 October 2007

An exciting dream

Last night I had a dream in which I bought another Canon 580EX speedlight flash and was setting it up to use with my other flashes. I was working out the flash exposure compensation for the scene and deciding on various settings.

Thats it - that was the entire dream! What a complete nerd. Mind, you I think dreams can be a way for your subconcious to tell you something important, so I'm actually going to buy the 580EX. And then hopefully I will have more exciting dreams.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Rachel & Dave's Wedding

Rachel and Dave got married in Fonmon Castle, and it was such an intimate, gorgeous wedding, people were laughing and crying all day. I think you can tell from these photos that Rachel and Dave are a) easy going, lovely people, and b) completely in love with eachother. Rachel wins the prize for the the most emotional walk up the aisle EVER... she cried the whole way! I don't think there was a dry eye in the house for the rest of the ceremony.

Here we are getting ready:

Here is the final result, stunning:

The guys:

I like this simple tie/waistcoat combo, quite dapper don't you think?

Here we go with the tears. Annoyingly, Rachel even looks beautiful when she's crying!

This one is just gorgeous:

During the meal a couple of people popped out to watch the rugby on a little TV. And Wales lost! (but we won't talk about that - I'm only putting this photo up so that Rachel knows who the culprits were...)

The speeches were soooo funny. Dave had 2 best men who had everyone in stitches. They printed off sheets of paper with funny 'Dave photos' on them that they told jokes along to.

The castle looks even better all lit up at night:

I had a great time at your wedding guys, enjoy your slideshow(!) and see you soon x