I photographed Sharon and her sister Michelle's children in their garden, which was a child's paradise! They had a huge trampoline, a slide, swings, mini cars and bikes, a treehouse, a gorgeous wooden (two-storey!) playhouse, football goals, toys, little chairs and tables, a swingy chair etc. etc. etc. I was tempted to move in. The children were gorgeous, and full of happy energy - they didn't stop laughing the whole time I think. Sharon and Michelle find them hilarious, its great to see parents enjoying their kids so much.
Okay, I can't upload tons of photos to my blog because I'll run out of space, but I had a really hard time choosing these images out of the 160 or so that I finally edited down for their collection. I need to employ a hard-nosed editor...
First of all, here is Katie. I have never met a 6 year old so keen to have her photo taken, therefore I love her! (isn't she beautiful?)

We also photographed her shoes, which are lush!

Here is Katie's brother Nathan, soo cute, who was less keen for photographs (obviously, kids don't normally want to look at a camera at this age!) but happy as long as this plastic dragon thing was in the shot:

Their cousins William, looking very dapper here:

And Lucy, who was super excited and happiest when she was upside down or tearing around at 50 miles an hour!

Ha ha, here is a 'secret' photo we took when the grown-ups weren't looking:

We spent most of the time on the trampoline (yeeeey!) or generally playing:

The many faces of Katie:

These two are the best of friends, they're in the same class at school and do everything together:

How cute is this one?!!

Nathan is far too cool to hug a girl:

Don't these photos make you want to be 6 again??

Okay, I REALLY shouldn't put anymore up but here are some nice family shots:

Thanks for being so much fun guys, I will have your gallery up in a couple of days. Next time I want about half an hour by myself on the trampoline! x